Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Euroasian Union - Belarus

Back in 2014, Belarus and Russia were part of a five country agreement called the Eurasian Union.  This union was to go into effect on January 1, 2015.  Before the plan went into effect, Belarus and Russia both enacted ADDITIONAL regulations at their borders.  Belarus added additional regulations on dairy and meat from Russia.  In turn, Russia banned all dairy imports from Belarus.  This signaled that, while the two countries both agreed to the union, it was more of “window dressing” and were not completely committed to opening up trade between the two countries.  This has led to increased sanctions between the two countries and the essentially the end of the Eurasian Union.  Lawmakers are returning to the negotiation table to see about working out a new agreement. [1] 

[1] Belarus Digest. Astapena Ryhor. December 11, 2014. Belarus Reinstates Customs Control on the Border with Russia: the End of the Eurasian Union?

1 comment:

  1. I read an article the other day that reminds me of this. In the article, it discussed how the United States wanted to limit the amount of lumber coming into the country from Canada. President Trump declared that he would impose a tariff of up to 24% on these products. It caused tensions to be high between the two NAFTA countries. Hopefully Russia an Belarus can work out an agreement before something similar happens. -Lorreen McCabe
