Saturday, April 15, 2017

Belarus Turnkey Projects

Belarus is looking to Russia for turnkey projects, but not in the form of factories or plants.  The Architecture and Construction Ministry of Belarus has been tasked with finding ways to increase their production and that included looking at working out of the country.  These turnkey projects would be in the form of housing and urban planning projects.  One of the largest exports that Belarus sends to Russia, specifically Pskov Oblast, is building products.  These projects would help create more opportunities for the people of Pskov Oblast along with some much-needed infrastructure.


  1. In order for a city to be successful, it needs to have some form of infrastructure and opportunities for the citizens to support themselves. It's great that the turnkey projects will support both of these areas, while also possibly adding more housing.

  2. I can actually understand that idea. I am seriously considering the idea of finding some land and buying a tiny house with my wife. WE don't want a big house and don't want a lot of visitors. So exporting these types of projects is pretty much a done deal.

    1. My husband and I have been seriously discussing the same thing for years now. We've even gone so far as to draw out plans of what we would like our tiny house to look like and what features would be inside. I think right now it's just a matter of actually taking the step...
